
What We Are Not! The Dubious Tactics of Some Horse Rescues

I’ve been wanting to write to you all about the subject of mass bailing horse rescues that prey on the kindness of well-meaning people asking them to donate huge amounts of money so they can, in their words, stop horses from shipping to slaughter among other horrific outcomes. It’s a scam! Pure and simple, and we would like to distance ourselves from these dubious non-profits and their practices. Please do your research before donating any money to non-profits that use these tactics!  

One in a series of videos about mass bailing horse rescues


We are NOT a horse rescue that works with known kill buyers to “empty the pens” every week

We are NOT a horse rescue that takes in more horses than we can manage

We are NOT a horse rescue that “saves” 30, 40, 50 horses a week by telling  donors they will be “on the truck to slaughter if we don’t raise enough money to stop the truck.”

We are NOT a horse rescue that shares before and after photos of horses that appear to be the same horse but upon closer inspection have different markings or colors.

We are NOT a horse rescue that offers retail style BOGO adoptions such as ADOPT ONE, ADOPT ANOTHER ONE FOR $100. These are live animals not consumer goods

We are NOT a horse rescue that offers Black Friday Sales or Cyber Monday Sales of horses. Again, they are living, breathing, sentient beings that have no business on the sales rack.

We are NOT a horse rescue that writes heart-wrenching, sob stories, reminisant of sappy romantic fiction to garner donations

We are NOT a horse rescue that when asked cannot account for every single horse that has gone through our rescue/training/rehab program. We rehabilitate and train the abused and neglected horses in our care ourselves.

We are NOT a horse rescue that sends abused and neglected horses off to a horse “trainer” for 30, 60 or 90 days. We keep them with us so we can see their progress or lack of it and ensure non-abusive methods are used.

We are NOT a horse rescue that rents the property where our horses live. We own our property so there is no chance of us getting booted off due to our lease coming to an end.

We are NOT a horse rescue that pays its executive staff vast amount of compensation. Witnessing the change in the horses we take in is compensation enough


We are a legitimate non-profit horse rescue that pays its bills on time, gives individual care to all our horses, rehabilitates them in a kind, consenting way using our Consent – Trust – Connection program, a program that helps horses heal from previous heavy-handed owners or trainers both physical and emotional

We are a legitimate horse rescue that thoroughly vets potential volunteers and adopters, and supports them after and during their volunteer journey, and after adoption.

We are a legitimate horse rescue that is in good standing with the IRS, the California Attorney General, the Franchise Tax Board and every other government agency you can think of.

We are a legitimate horse rescue. Our EIN# is 82-0665405. You can check us out here!

Yes, despite this, we barely bring in enough money to cover our monthly costs. A typical fundraising campaign for us nets between $200 — $500, if we are lucky, compared to $5000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000 and more, netted in just one fundraising campaign by the horse rescues we are NOT.

So what is the answer? The only one we can see is to mimic the tactics of the horse rescues that bring in the big bucks.

But that would be fraud!

That would be soliciting donations under false pretenses!

And we will never go down that road. Why? Because horse rescue history has shouted out at us time and time again, it’s the road to implosion.

And it’s the horses that suffer.

Thank you for reading!

Julia Hyde, Founder of Canham Farm Horse Rescue Inc. 



Thank you all so much for supporting our mission. We can do how much more together.

Best Wishes, 

Julia, and all our dedicated volunteers!

Until next time

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