
About Us

All About Us


Since 2017 Canham Farm Horse Rescue (CFHR) has worked to help horses thrive.

CFHR works locally and nationally to protect all horses from abuse, both physical and mental, neglect and slaughter. At every level, we collaborate with people around the world to develop and deliver solutions that protect domestic and wild horses in our care and in the natural places in which they live.

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How We Work

For Horses, For People


CFHR works to help local and national wild and domestic horses. We aim to protect and advocate for all equines to ensure their safety for now and forever.

CFHR untilizes partners, our supporters in the United States and globally, as well as partnerships with communities, companies, and governments.

Today, humans put more pressure horses than ever before, but it’s also humans who have the power to change this. Together, we can address the greatest threats to equines and protect the wild horses who inspire us.

Recognizing that the problems facing equines are increasingly complex and urgent, CFHR focuses its work on ambitious goals. To challenge our equines greatest threats (humans) and ensure a healthy future for horses free from fear, abuse and hunger.

How You Can Help! Become a Horse Protector


Make A Donation Now


 Your contribution can provide food, shelter

and veterinary care when they need it the most.


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