Sponsor a Horse – Ruby

Ruby Tuesday, A Captured Devil’s Garden Mare!


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This YouTube Video Shows Ruby Getting Some Love From Shilo!
Ruby was rounded up by the US Forest Service and taken from her family by the United States Forest Service. When she cam to us she was pregnant and gave birth to a healty baby, April Moon. April has since been adopted and Ruby found it difficult to adjust to domestic life initially. But will a lot of care, compassion and kindness she is now somewhat of a love bug who can’t get close enough to our volunteers.  She can be haltered, lead, groomed, tied and we are working on me accepting a bareback pad. We have also been working on trust playing games in the round-pen. She picks her feet up for the farrier, loves to be groomed and especially likes to roll in the dirt. Unfortunately she has developed a skin condition/allergy. The condition makes her very itchy and she scratches so much she takes the skin off her chest and belly. We are working with our vet on allergy testing and hope to have an answer soon. Your monthly sponsorship of Ruby will help us pay for her vet bills and her general care. 

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