
Support for Wild Horses

ruby tuesday a captured devil's garden wild horse


American Wild Horses Are Under Threat From Big Agriculture, The Bureau of Land Management,

Oil and Gas Companies, Special Interest Groups, Politicians & Other Government Entities, and Slaughter.

Only We, The American Public, Can Save Them


The Truth About America’s Wild Horse Crisis

Did you know that America’s wild horses—symbols of freedom and the untamed spirit of the West—are being removed from public lands at an alarming rate? Thousands of mustangs (wild horses) and burros are rounded up each year by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), often under the claim of protecting the land and preventing overpopulation. But the truth is more complex, and the consequences for wild horses is devastating,



  This little Mustang was rounded up by the BLM in the Jackson Mountains, Nevada       as a foal. He was adopted out to a member of the public, likely as part of the BLM’s Wild           Horse Financial Incentive Program, and after one year (a year is how long it takes for an           adoptor to obtain a wild horse’s TITLE or OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE from the BLM)             was sent first to auction in Oklahoma then Kansas and finally a notorious kill buyer’s       auction in Texas.We were able to get him to safety and he is undergoing gentling at our       wild horse rescue facility. 




How Wild Horse Roundups Work

Most wild horse roundups are conducted using helicopters, which chase wild horses across harsh terrain for miles. Many suffer injuries, exhaustion, or even death in the process. Foals often collapse, unable to keep up with their families, and older horses often sustain broken limbs or fatal stress-related conditions. Other round up methods include bait and trap – which entails a corral set up to lure the horses and trap them.  Once captured, the horses are either put up for adoption to the general public or confined in government or independent holding facilities, where many languish for years. Wild horses can be challenging to gentle and even if they are adopted there is no guarantee they will not end up in the wrong hands – people who use harsh training methods – or are at risk of being sold at auctions for meat price and shipped to laughter in Mexico or Canada.

Why Are These Roundups Happening?

Despite being federally protected under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, wild horse populations have been targeted due to pressure from powerful interests, including:

  • Cattle Ranching – Public lands are increasingly leased for livestock  grazing, reducing space for wild horses.
  • Energy & Mining Development – Industrial interests seek access to lands where wild horses roam.
  • Faulty Population Control Claims – The BLM often overestimates herd growth.

What Can You Do?

  1. Educate Others – Share this information and help spread awareness.
  2. Speak Up – Contact lawmakers and demand protections for wild horses.
  3. Support Us and Other Ethical OrganizationsDonate to rescue groups working to protect wild horses.

Show Your Support For America’s Wild Horses On The Go

With This “Save Our Wild Horses CAR MAGNET

America’s wild horses deserve to live free. Their survival depends on our voices and our actions. Let’s stand together to protect them before it’s too late.

Learn more & take action today! [Coming Soon]


We urge you to begin your journey toward understanding a horrific tale of inhumane treatment of horse, how the BLM captures wild horses on a regular basis and keeps the “un-adoptable horses” in cramped holding pens often run by non-government agencies.

Many of these horses are 10 years or older yet still have another 10 -15 years of life left. Free no more, most stay in these Long Term Holding Facilities until the day they die instead of living out their lives on the American West’s Range Lands where they belong.


Suggested Reading
In the interests of disclosure ALL Book Links are Affiliate Links and Your Purchase Through Us Will Provide Us a Little Extra Money to Help Our Cause.

A Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter’s history of wild horses in America―and an eye-opening story of their treatment in our own time.

The wild horse is so ingrained in the American imagination that even those who have never seen one know what it stands for: fierce independence, unbridled freedom, the bedrock ideals of the nation. From car ads to high school mascots, the wild horse―popularly known as the mustang―is the enduring icon of America. But in modern times it has become entangled in controversy and bureaucracy, and now its future is in question. In Wild Horse Country, New York Times reporter David Philipps traces the rich history of wild horses in America and investigates the shocking dilemma they face in our own time.


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